Jason is My Idol T-shirt, Jason Castro and Mandee
Categories: American Idol 7 t-shirts, Brooke White t-shirts, David Archuleta t-shirts, Jason Castro t-shirts, T-shirt Gallery 2 commentsUPDATE (9.05.08): From now on, we will no longer be selling Jason Castro fan merchandise. Please head on over to his official site, Jason Castro Music, to show him and his family your support! To Jason, thank you for the music. Poptastic Tees wishes you all the best.
The nicest thing about having a small, home-based t-shirt business is that, because my husband and myself run it on our own, we correspond with our customers ourselves and thus get to meet a lot of wonderful people from all over.
One of which is Mandee whom I've had the pleasure of corresponding with for sometime now. You see, she owns a "Jason is My Idol" fan shirt that carries one of our favorite but discontinued designs:
(Sorry about the watermark. We have to take extra precautions now because design piracy is becoming rampant of late...)
Today, she sent me this piece of wonderful news - she met Jason Castro. Part of her email goes:
I met Jason Castro on Aug 13 @ Philadelphia's Wachovia Center. My friend and I wore the "Jason Is My Idol" cartoon drawing t-shirts that were available on your site for a limited time. When Jason got to me, he took a double take at my friend and I, looked back at me and was like "I LOVE those shirts... where did you get them?" So I told him I had gotten them on-line, but that they were no longer available. He replied that he REALLY liked them. And even after I took my picture with him and talked to him, he moved on to my friend and spoke to her for a bit, studied her shirt again and said once more that he really liked the shirts!!!!! I thought you'd enjoy that! Approval from the man himself!!!
Yes Mandee, I totally did enjoy that! How wonderful to have approval from Jason himself. Thank you so much for remembering to share that info with me, we at Poptastic truly appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Mandee and Jasonnnnn
Mandee went on to say that David Archuleta and Brooke White showed appreciation for this shirt too. Ooh, how exciting! If only they knew that we made fan shirt designs for them as well, LOL. :)
Meanwhile, what we do have in our shop is the now-iconic (thanks to MTV's John Norris AND Castrocopia) "Jason is My Idol" design which features a folk guitar (or a ukulele, if you will. It kinda looks like it too) and the words "Jason is My Idol" in light blue and green.
See the different colors and styles here.
The Official Jason Castro t-shirts however are available HERE. Proceeds of these shirts will go to Jason's choice of charity.
We have more pop culture graphic tees @ PoptasticTees.com
6:53 AM
Re: "(Sorry about the watermark. We have to take extra precautions now because design piracy is becoming rampant of late...)"
I wrote you a huge reply to your comment about our use of the copyright watermark last week... and then the internet browser crashed as I went to hit send! It's only taken me another week to come back.... sorry :(
We have found complete copyright breaches of our work too - where an online user has taken a low resolution thumbnail and used it themselves. It hasn't been hard having them removed... but it creates more work for the designers who use the net for showcasing their work.
KEEP USING THE WATERMARK... is my oppinion.
And nice work expanding your products - you have been busy.
4:52 PM
Hi Manz,
Re copyright breaches of your work - that's terrible! I hope it doesn't happen to you guys again. I've had it happen to me again recently: a t-shirt company ripped off designs I made for a local rock band's album packaging and sold them on t-shirts. I had to tell them myself that what they were doing was wrong. You're right, we designers have to really be careful about showcasing our work online. ):
Btw, I love that Zombie shirt you have for this week's Tuesday Teez! Very cool! I haven't had time to submit the past few weeks but I hope to submit next time.
Take care and have a great weekend!