Sunday, August 10, 2008
Breaking Dawn Backlash + Interview with Stephenie Meyer
Categories: random ramblings, Twilight t-shirts 0 commentsI'm assuming that most of you have read Breaking Dawn by now. If you're among those who loved it, then good for you! I have to say that even if there were moments that were somewhat meh, I still liked how everything turned out in the end. So sue me, I'm a sucker for happy endings and I'm a Stephenie Meyer believer*.
So that's why I felt for Ms. Meyer when I saw this interview on MTV:
You see the punch coming; that doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt when it hits," Meyer told MTV News on Thursday. "There's no way to make everybody happy. When I do one thing that a lot of people want, there's always the opposite reaction.(read more here).
Being married to a published author/graphic novelist, I know how difficult it is to keep pleasing everyone because you simply just can't. There's no easy way around it.
To be honest, I didn't like the way a lot of the events unfolded. In some instances, I also didn't think the characters were the very same ones we grew to know and love from the beginning of the Twilight saga. But we do have to give credit to Stephenie for giving life to these characters and this world in the first place because thanks to her, we can daydream about Bella and Edward and Jacob... Nessie too... and how they all must be doing right this very moment.
So... here's to Team Stephenie!
*I still don't think she should be compared to J.K. Rowling however. Jo is entirely on a league of her own.
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