
Twilight Official Fan Merchandise at Poptastic Tees

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

NEW: Karate Kid / Say Anything inspired designs  


Ahhh, the 80s. Here are two designs inspired by the cult hit "The Karate Kid".

- Balance is Key. "Remember, Daniel-san. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good."
- No Scare Fish. Another priceless piece of advice from the great Miyagi-sensei, "Breathe in, breathe out. And no scare fish."

And of course, what 80s movie collection isn't complete without the pop culture classic "Say Anything"?

- In Your Eyes. Girls all over the world swooned when Lloyd appeared outside Diane's bedroom window holding a boombox over his head. Sing it! "In your eyes (the light, the heat), in your eyes (I am complete)..."

More retro TV/Movie designs HERE.

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