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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Chrome + Scott McCloud  


The world wide web is a-buzz about internet superpower Google's new open-source web browser Google Chrome released just yesterday. If you haven't given it a spin yet, I suppose it would be a good idea to read this article, 9 Things to Love and Hate About the Google Chrome, first.

While I haven't had the time to try it out as well, I extremely enjoyed the comic book explaining its inner workings.

(via Scott McCloud's website)

Produced by the Google Chrome Team and adapted by well-known cartoonist/comic theorist Scott McCloud, the comic is 38 pages long is well worth a read, whether you're a Google OR comic fan or not.

As my husband is a comic book artist/writer, I have come to acquaint myself with graphic novels in the marketplace so I'm pretty familiar with Mr. McCloud's work, particularly his book Understanding Comics - a 215-page comic book about comics that explains the inner workings of the medium and examines many aspects of visual communication along the way. Before diving into a career in the comic books arena, it has been highly recommended by the authorities that you give this one a read first and foremost.

Scott McCloud titles you might wanna check out:

We have more pop culture graphic tees @ PoptasticTees.com

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