Whatever, Major Loser! T-shirt @ Poptastic
Categories: movie quote shirts, retro 0 commentsWhatever Major Loser -
Stupid hand signal used by little kids who want to express their hatred for people.
via The Urban Dictionary
So I was watching Camp Rock - yes, the Jonas Brothers - Demi Lovato starrer - with my nephew this weekend and this funny confrontation scene between Tess and Mitchie made quite an impact:
(It comes in at around 0:40. Sit through the vid - c'mon Joe Jonas is in it.)
Naturally, the
So here you go, boys and girls, tweens and teens. Presenting two new WEML (Whatever Major Loser) designs to choose from. Wearing it guarantees that you'll always have the last say without having to say anything.

WEML (boy) graphic tees

Whatever Major Loser (boy) Light T-Shirt
More t-shirt styles and colors HERE

WEML (girl) graphic tees

Whatever Major Loser (girl) Jr. Ringer T-Shirt
More t-shirt styles and colors HERE
If you're feeling a bit more retro, why don't you check out our oh-so-1995 Clueless-inspired "Whateverrrr" hand symbol tees too?

"Whatever!" Women's Light T-Shirt
See more HERE
We have more pop culture graphic tees @ PoptasticTees.com